
Mountain Hare is unusual in the world of consultants.  We understand that at certain times in a company’s development they really need help but they can’t afford to pay consultancy day rates.  We are happy to share in the risk that you are taking as you grow your business.

In some cases this means that we waive our fee in return for a share in the future success of the company.  In a small number of cases we have even invested our own cash into a client business together with our time.

Too much of the time we just help companies without charging because we really like what they are aiming to achieve.  Being small and independent ourselves we understand that this doesn’t always lead to a paying contract but we are happy as long as the clients value the help we give them.

If you are just starting out or even just wondering about getting going with your business then get in touch as we are always happy to have a coffee and a chat.

Strategic Advice

Too often, expensive strategy consultants provide reports and guidance which are great in theory and impossible to implement.  Our advice is always pragmatic and actionable whilst still being ambitious for our clients.


We can help you to identify potential grant funding sources, develop your proposals and assist with writing the applications. 

Growth support

Our team have experience of managing rapid growth in businesses of all sizes and we are happy to help you get everything in place for you to go scale and expand.